Accessory Wednesday: Muji Storage


This might very well be preaching to the converted – Muji Storage is practically a blogging rule for the oodles of makeup we collect and love. If you’ve ever stared into your crowded makeup bag in despair, these are just the best way to be able to see what you actually have. This is a Muji lifestyle shot by the way – I’d hate to mislead anyone into thinking this state of tidyness is actually mine! I own at least four of these boxes – as a working blogger they’re so useful for new collections – so when Spring, for example, starts to roll in, I can see at a glance how the colours are shaping up as a whole, rather than individually, and can easily access items when I need to. Once the next season starts to arrive, they get emptied into a four drawer cabinet in my office and then given away (or hoarded!). I also use one for jewellery – I’m not especially tidy by nature, but it keeps it all in one place, at least. Anyway, all this is getting round to saying that if you’re up for a bit of beauty storage, there’s a Muji… Read More

ty: britishbeautyblogger

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