The time is going to have to come soon when I give up on my lash extensions – much as I don’t want to – because I think I need to start trying mascaras again. There have been a couple of mascara launches this year where I’ve felt I’ve missed out by not being able to try them properly. I can always use mascara on my bottom lashes, and do, but I think I want the full mascara experience again, even temporarily. So, everything lashes is piquing my interest at the moment, especially the Estee Lauder Little Black Primer which heads our way in January.
Little Black Lash Primer (can you see a whole new Little Black… franchise starting here?) works as a lash boost, a tint and a waterproof top coat. I like the sound of the waterproofing best – but naked lash days will definitely be improved with a very natural finish tint.
I don’t have the price to hand but I’ll flag it up when it launches towards the end of January 2015 and will hopefully have guinea-pigged it out or even tried it myself by then.
The post Estee Lauder Little Black Primer appeared first on British Beauty Blogger.
ty: britishbeautyblogger