Calling all Benebabes!! By now you’ve definitely heard the buzz about the NEW they’re real! push-up liner. From your very own #linercrimes to the REAL innovation behind the product, even the criminally sexy video—by now you must be dying to get your hands on your (about to be) new favorite gel liner in a pen.
Well good news! We’ve pulled some strings & wings around here at Beauty Central to get a select quantity of this innovative, new eyeliner EARLY, just for you! Get in line, gorgeous… the Line to Fine is officially here.
What is it!?
Get in line to be one of the first to purchase they’re real! push-up liner—before it even hits stores. UM—YES, PLEASE!
Tell me what I need to do immediately!
Now, now, gorgeous. All you need to do is visit, sign up and you’ve officially reserved your spot in line! We’ll release the product in batches, so the closer you are to the front, the sooner you get the liner!
But wait! That can’t be all…
You’re right! You know we always have more beauty secrets to unveil. SO, not only do you get EARLY access, but you also get free shipping! Plus, we’ve partnered with some amazingly fine vloggers to bring you exclusive videos all about they’re real! push-up liner. We’ll update them daily, so check back often.
Want another reason to come back & visit We’re giving you the opportunity to jump ahead in line! Want to skip 10 spots? Just watch one of the exclusive videos! Want to jump 10 more spots in line? Look our for the hidden gems… think diamonds, locks and little jail birds, we mean, #justsayin. Okay, there’s one more way you can jump the line—SHARE! Share with your friends on Facebook & Twitter via the buttons on the site, and we’ll jump you TEN more spots.
Whew! We’re so excited about all of this info—are you feeling a little overwhelmed, too!? Don’t worry, once you get in line the rest will be a breeze. Just make sure you’re checking back daily to jump your spot in line to get first access to the first ever lash-hugging gel liner in a pen!
Best of bene-luck, gorgeous! xo
ty: benefitcosmetics