Glamorous Weekday Makeup Testing: What, This Old Thing?

ruth crilly a model recommends

Oh, I did have a chortle to myself when I answered the door to a delivery man last week wearing a pencil skirt, sexy blouse, rollers in my hair and the makeup look above. Considering he’s used to seeing me in my pyjamas, it must have been quite a shock. He didn’t speak, except to ask me to sign for my parcel, but his expression was priceless. I felt like leaning against the door frame in my get-up and saying “what, this old thing? Just something I threw on…”

I had been having a morning of makeup experimentation, as I am wont to do if Mr AMR is off doing errands with the baby. It’s good to have a proper play with new things – I’m not sure you really get a feel for products if you just swatch them on the back of your hands or give them a cursory swipe over lips, eyelids, whatever… I try to use new makeup items as part of a look that I know I’ll photograph or put on video, so that the pressure is really on; if the texture of a lipstick is terrible or a bronzer is shockingly glittery or a mascara crumbles off after an hour then it simply doesn’t make the cut. I take it all off and start again.

ruth crilly model eye

Luckily this look did make it onto film and I’ll be doing a more refined version of it this week (eyebrows groomed, mascara more carefully applied) when I have a spare moment. I used the gorgeous YSL Touche Éclat Le Teint foundation in B20 as a base (I think I may try going a smidgen darker as I’ve been using my Hylamide Glow recently and I’m rather sunkissed) and then a bit of Max Factor Creme Puff Blush underneath my cheekbones. On my eyes, the wondrous Eyes To Kill shadow from Armani, shade 5 (more on this later on in the week, I’m having a very steamy love affair with it after a three year hiatus) and L’Oreal Paris False Lash Sculpt mascara. The liner was a chocolate brown one, I think it may have been Charlotte Tilbury but I have quite a few on the go…

ruth crilly a model recommends

Lips? Again, a separate post coming up, but this is the new Dior Addict Ultra Gloss Sensational Mirror Shine Hydra-Plumping Volume. Catchy. Actually, I’m not sure whether all of that is the product name, but regardless, this is one serious lip gloss. One coat and you get the “mirror shine”; two and you have the kind of glaze that would withstand armageddon. If you can’t wait for my review then you can find Ultra Gloss online here – I’m wearing “Nova”.


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