LookFantastic: The Beauty Secret

beauty advent calendars

Beauty Advent Calendars seem to be officially a “thing” now – and why not? I’ve always had a bit of a penchant for beauty miniatures, so opening doors to discovery gorgeous mystery items definitely floats my boat! And there is something rather exciting about getting a new product to try every day for the run-up to Christmas. I had to open all the doors on the calendars in this feature to be able to photograph them, but I’ve already tried four new things and that’s since last night! I tend to take minis with me on my travels so that I can have loads of options and variety without using up too much of my suitcase space.

christmas beauty calendars

The first one I want to show you is The Beauty Secret from LookFantastic.com and is an absolute WHOPPER of a calendar. It weighs a tonne and is crammed full of bits and pieces. If you don’t want to spoil the surprise then look away now – you can get the calendar online here, it’s £70 but is worth over £250, apparently, so a great way to try new brands and beauty products.

lookfantastic christmas beauty canlendar

There’s a range of full-size and mini-sized beauty in this one and a great mix of tried-and-tested favourites alongside newer launches. Makeup, skincare, bodycare and some wonderful hair products with a nice lean towards things that will make you look ever-so-glam over the Christmas holidays. Jet-black mascara, false lashes, silky hair treatments and face masks to make your skin glow.

lookfantastic christmas beauty canlendar

I’ve only shown some of the products to give you a taster of the brands and an idea of the sizes  – I don’t want to completely ruin the surprise!

lookfantastic christmas beauty canlendar

Stocks are really limited on this one, so if you want it then don’t bumble about for too long! It has free delivery and you can snap it up here.

I’ll have more calendars to show you soon, I just need to edit the photos. Mr AMR was in hysterics yesterday because it’s a standing joke between us that I’m terrible at opening packaging properly. If there’s a box to be ruined then I’m your girl – even a simple square box with teabags in will be completely shredded by the time I’m done with trying to get the lid off! So opening up doors on an advent calendar was utter carnage, as you’d expect. Twenty-five opportunities to totally mess things up…


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