Peaceful Pets and the 22 Week Bump.

22 week baby bump

1) It’s nearly eleven and I need to take my bra off (ALL bras make me feel as though my ribs are being crushed in a vice at the moment!) and so a very short Sunday Tittle Tattle this week. First pic (above) is of my baby bump at twenty-two weeks (I’m twenty-three weeks tomorrow), just in case you don’t follow me on Twitter or Instagram. It’s growing at quite a fine rate, now! There are already parts of my anatomy that I can’t see…

mr bear the cat

2) This week’s other Tittle Tattle photos are of my very Peaceful Pets. There have been no mad moments this week and thus no breakages, though Dexter the dog has chewed through the crotch of two pairs of maternity leggings (gross!) and also shredded the edge of the bath mat. Overall, though, quite a minimal damage tally. Marvellous. Let’s see how we get on next week….

sleeping cockapoo

Read more Sunday Tittle Tattle posts here… 

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