Vivienne Westwood’s theatre of chaos for SS14

Vivienne Westwood SS14 beautyYou can always trust Vivienne Westwood to bring the crazy during fashion week, and as SS14 thus far has been too often (in my opinion) littered with ‘natural’, ‘undone’ hair and makeup – easy to do but not so fun to write about – I was looking forward to the chaotic look we were sure to see. I was not disappointed.

If chaos was what we wanted, chaos was what we got; Viv is not a fan of conventional makeup, so faces were painted chalky white and shaded in blueish grey were reminiscent of Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride – until they were streaked with black under the cheekbones and around the eyes, and splattered over the rest of the face. Nails were long, broken and chipped red talons to match the additional red accents on some of the models faces, in lines around the eyes and smudged over the lips.

The theme carried over into the hair which was in huge disheveled, voluminous waves Helena Bonham Carter would be proud of, pinned up abstractly at the top and flowing over the shoulder.

One for the street? Probably not. But definitely some chic Halloween inspiration