Ten Under £10: Face Highlighters

The “Ten Under £10” edition of the Weekly Window Shop was so very popular that I decided to make it a  regular, standalone feature. Because who doesn’t want a round-up of brilliant and affordable stuff?

Ten Under £10 will concentrate mostly on beauty, but if there’s a particularly good glut of other things for under a tenner at any given time then I could be swayed! I do love a good fashion bargain…

I’ll usually have a video to go with any beauty round-ups; it’s handy to see the products “in real life” – especially if they’re makeup items – and even handier to watch them being applied. I’ve kicked off the series with my top 10 face highlighters (or illuminators, strobe creams) for under £10. As always, I welcome any suggestions or additions to the selection and apologise if I’ve missed out anything spectacular – I try dozens and dozens of products when I research these sorts of posts and videos, but it’s impossible to try absolutely everything. Especially brands not easily available in the UK.

So, my favourite cheekbone, cupid’s bow and bridge-of-the-nose highlighters for under a tenner – a nice selection here, including products that can be used beneath your face base as well as cream sticks than can be very simply drawn on and blended in with fingertips.

The skin highlighters that have made it into my makeup bag over the past few weeks – the ones I have really found to be very useful, effective, wearable and believable – are briefly described below, but you can find longer reviews as well as watch them being applied in the following video.

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