The Beautiful You Collection by Total Beauty

Get the Total Beauty Collection here with FREE shipping:
7 beauty products (Over $80 value) for only $30

Valued at over $80, this fantastic collection of 7 beauty items will boost your inner and outer beauty for only $30.We know you love a good surprise, so we’re revealing two products:

Yogalosophy: 28 Days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover
• A New York Times Best Seller written by yoga and fitness instructor to the stars Mandy Ingber.
• Her clients include Jennifer Aniston, Kate Beckinsale, Brooke Shields and Helen Hunt.

Nature’s Dynamics full size supplements for women
• One full size bottle included in each Collection
• Your Collection will include ONE of the three supplement types: Body Boost Women’s Multi Gummy or ProBalanze Probiotics or BodyBoost Bone and Calcium

They say beauty is only skin deep. Despite our love affair with makeup and hair products, we say that beauty goes far beyond the superficial — it comes from within.

In celebration of Total Beauty Shops’ first anniversary, we introduce the Beautiful You Collection by, an assortment of our favorite skin care and wellness products to promote beauty from the inside out.

This stellar collection includes a copy of “Yogalosophy” ($20 value), The New York Times Best Seller written by yoga and fitness instructor to the stars Mandy Ingber. You’ll also receive one of three supplements from Nature’s Dynamics: BodyBoost Women’s Multi Gummy ($29.95 value), ProBalanze Probiotics ($39.95 value) or BodyBoost Bone and Calcium ($29.95 value). Also included in this collection — valued at more than $80, plus free shipping — are the skin-saving must-haves you need to keep you looking your best this season. Excited? Wait! There’s more! We’re also throwing in a comprehensive buying guide to the Best Drug Store Makeup picks — FREE! — just because we like you so much.

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